
The dates are sorted by year/month/day to facilitate their sorting into chronological order

Date Event
2024/11/05 161 states vote in favour of Resolution L.77, with three voting against it and 13 states abstaining. The vote will mandate discussions pver two days in New York in 2025 to discuss the issues raised in the Secretary-General's report on AWS. The discussions are welcomed by activists who see it as an opportunity for aspects of AWS regulation which hve been ignored in the meetings of government experts, such as their social impact, to be discussed.
2023/11/01 The UN General Assembly adopts an historic resolution on AWS. The resolution requests the UN secretary General to prepare a report on ways to address AWS found here here
2018/08/27 Press conference on the 2018 group of gevernmental experts on LAWS found here
2012/11/19 Human Rights Watch issued its report Loosing Humanity: the case against Killer Robots
2012/11/21 The USA releases its first public policy document on autonomous weapons. The policy states that autonomous and semi autonomous weapons should be desined to allow commanders and operators to exersise the 'appropriate' level of human judgement over the use of force.
2020/04/08 UNIDIR releases its report here accompanied by the video here
2020/09/21 2nd Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2020 here and here
2020/09/22 4th Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2020 here
2013/05/30 Nations discussed AWS in Geneva for the first time to discuss this report
2021/08/01 Hyundai acquires "Boston Dynamics" and begins creating robot dogs for military purposes
2022/02/25 The US space force general, David Thompson remarks that the USA will have machines that kill people here
2022/02/12 The US goverment accountability office identifes 685 DOD AI projects in its report the key notes are foundhere
2025/04/02 Google lifts its ban on using AI for Weapons and surveillance