State Positions on AWS regulation

red= poor response to AWS

yellow= moderate response to AWS

green= exceptional response to AWS

Country Opinion
Afghanistan Although Afghanistan has not spoken independantly on their stance regarding Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), they are a member of the Non Alligned Movement, who have, in their statement supported the negotiation of a legally binding instrument on AWS, which Afghanistan aligned itself with at the 2020 UNGA.
Albania Albania has supported the negotiation of a legally binding instrument on AWS and voted in favour of resolution L.77. Previously in 2023, Albania also voted in favour of Resolution 78/241. Albania also endorsed the Chair's Summary of the 2024 Vienna conference on "humanity at the Crossroads: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Challenge of regulation
Algeria Algeria Voted in Favour of Resolution L.77 and previously voted for Resolution 78/241. Algeria is a member of the African Group and the Non-Alligned movement, both of whom support the negotiation of a legally binding treaty on AWS (AG, NAM) . At the 76th session of the general assembly Ageria submitted their statement In the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Group of Governmental Experts meeting of March 2023 Algeria expressed a need for "new legally binding provisions to meet the humanitarian, ethical and international security challenges" posed by autonomous weapons, and said that a legally binding instrument "seems to be the only way to crystallise the expectations, common understandings and commitments".